St Croix Valley Walleye League

2024 season underway 


Pre league meeting will be at the Hudson landing on April 23rd @ 6pm.  I want at least 1 person from every team so we can get paid up before the first night and draw for which team will be dealing with the bump boards. 

Please let me know ahead of time if you will not be participating in league this year so I can fill the spot. 

Thanks Randy and Ann

Year is paid in full at the pre-league meeting $400.

Check Schedule for where to launch every night

If weather is poor, please check for cancellation by 3p.m. the day of the event and make up nights.
High water alternate is St.Croix Bluffs.

No-wake defined:  The Rule on the St. Croix River - 683.0 feet MSL  Slow no-wake speed means the slowest possible speed to maintain steerage, but no greater than 5 mph.