League Contacts
Randy Kastner - (651) 248-9940
I. Eligibility
- 25 boats, 2 people per boat maximum.
- Must be a member of the fishing league to participate: —New change year to be paid in full by first night of league $400. Weekly contributions break down are $16 per league Team — Big Fish is $4 per league Team — Total per night is $20
- You or your partner must have access to a boat.
- No less than (1) fishermen per boat, no more than (2) fishermen per boat.
- Must obtain a DNR issued WI or MN Fishing License for current year (must have a valid license for the state you reside in).
- Fishermen may join at any time through out the year.
- Anyone ages 15 and under will have no yearly assistance but are still required to pay weekly contribution.
- If only one person in boat you can still fish but need to contribute the full dollar amount for the team that night.
II. Scoring
- Points are earned by species of fish (walleye-sauger) listed on scoring sheet
- All fish measured and recorded must have picture taken on standardized fish ruler to verify length with score sheet. Included in the fish picture is the league ruler along with the teams name, which is printed on a white piece of paper. The "word of the day" will be written on the league ruler the prior to take off.
- All fish will be measured to nearest ¼ inch ROUNDING UP
- Measurement of fish must be done with an official league ruler. Rulers will be provided to boats each night and collected again at the end of the night.
- All fish will be measured with the nose of the fish touching the bend in the fish ruler.(the rulers starting point)
- If you need to hold the fish on the ruler for the picture, please hold the fish in the middle so the nose and the tail of the fish are visible in the picture.
- Each boat must verify each fish measured and record it on your boat's score sheet
- Fish that are not kept for personal consumption MUST be released after measurement
- (Old Rule no longer used) Each boat must provide a digital camera and a blank SD card (SD cards are requested to be held by a league official until the 8 week league is over,after which SD cards will be returned to thier rightful owners). Fish rulers and SD cards will be passed out at the beginning of the night prior to fishing.
- If using Smart phone for fish scoring
- Using Smart phone for scoring all above rules apply for taking the picture.
- Smart phone pictures that are unreadable are going to be thrown out and not counted for that night.
- Login will be open the day of league fishing and it will close at 10P.M. that night.
- Smart phone fish photos must be submitted by 10 p.m. the night of league or they will not count.
- Weekly / Year-End Winners — Weekly boat total winner: boat team that has the highest length measurement for a 3 fish boat score. — Weekly boat big fish winner: boat that has the longest fish. — Year-End winner: Each boat teams weekly length scores are added together for a grand year end total.
- A boat may only score 3 fish total in the fish species (walleye/sauger) category — Once a boat has recorded 3 fish they may continue to fish for that species and substitute larger fish for small ones on the score sheet. All fish for the night will be recorded on the score sheet. Only the 3 biggest will be used to determine the boats nightly total.
- Catch and release is encouraged but is optional
- There will be random checks each night at the time prior to the start of fishing or when you turn your score sheet in by a group of your peers. (Example: livewells, storage compartments, etc.)
- It is the responsibility of the fisherman to turn in an accurate score sheet and return the measure board, not the league officials collecting them. — If you have recorded a score that is higher than fish recorded indicates you will be questioned by a league official — If there are any questions about scores recorded please contact a league official for further review — Any score sheet without a legible name and total score will be thrown out and not recorded for that night's points
- All fish recorded on score sheet must measure minimum of 13 inches (not rounding up). Example no 12 3/4" fish will be accepted
III. Fishing Hours
- League will start sharply at 6:00PM and run until 9:00PM each Tuesday night as scheduled. — Please notify a league official if you are going to be late.
- Each night league officials will declare an ending time based on conditions. — We recommend each boat carry a cell phone, two way radio or marine radio for constant contact with officials (Channel 19 on a marine radio and channel 7 on a two-way.)
- Fishermen will have 15 minutes from that night's end time to get their score sheets to a league official's hands to receive points and prizes for the night. — Any late sheets will be disqualified from that night's prizes and there points will not be counted towards their year end total. — If boat troubles exist exceptions can be made by league officials.
- Smart Phone photos must be in by 10P.M.
- All boats will meet at Lakefront Park in downtown Hudson on the St. Croix River. This is where you will personally sign in for the night's event and you will receive that night's score sheet and SD card. Late attendees who notified officials prior, will need to contact a league official on the water to receive theirs.
- Events may be postponed due to extreme weather conditions. — If extreme weather begins during a league event, use common sense. — All weekly contributions will be refunded to participants who leave the water because they felt conditions were causing danger to them. — Just rain alone will not postpone a night of fishing. — Once the night is started, no matter how short it's cut, there will still be a weekly disbursement.
IV. General Rules
- Fishing boundaries are from the Arcola sandbar North of Stillwater (this is the furthest North a vessel can legally travel) to the Railroad bridge in Prescott, WI. . Anyone fishing beyond these boundaries WILL be disqualified from the nights event.
- Fishermen may only fish by line and pole, no other method is allowed.
- You may fish with 2 lines per person only, no more than 4 lines will be allowed at any time during league fishing.
- When using live bait fishermen must follow all DNR state regulations.
- If a fishermen wants to protest or report unacceptable activity contact a league official and a league official only, please bring any evidence available.
- We will be fishing a total of 10 weeks this season, but only 8 of them will be recorded towards the individual year end total, you are allowed to drop your 2 lowest scores for the year if all 10 weeks are completed.
- Fishermen must follow the highest level of sportsmanship EVERY night. — This includes: Safety, Courtesy, and Conversation. A person not following this rule will be exempt for awards that night.
- All DNR state regulations must be followed at all times . Failure to follow this will result in disciplinary actions — Step 1 - verbal warning. — Step 2 - disqualification from that night's event. — Step 3 - angler will be banned from the remaining league event's) Examples of infractions: blowing no-wake zones, boat lights, keeping illegal fish, etc.
- If your boat is stationary by anchor (including spot-lock), and throw out a marker, all other boats must give the stationary craft 50 feet.
- Boat take off is a signal from league official in charge of releasing the boats by hand wave or horn.
- Gentleman's Rule will apply of no fishing after 9:00 p.m. on the day prior to the league day for the given body of water on which the league will be held.
- For any reason during the league event, if you must leave the water, contact and explanation must be given to known league officials. Special circumstances (emergencies, bathroom breaks) will be granted leniency.
- Life Jackets must be worn by all participants when their boats is moving faster than 5 MPH. This will ensure the safety of all participants.
- We will allow a rider (non fishing person) in a boat for a night (example, a person's 5 year old son) as long as it is disclosed prior to the night of fishing — this will be considered a special circumstance and dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Rule #3 still applies, you will not be allowed extra lines in this situation.
V. Disbursements
- Weekly disbursement will be 100% of that weeks' entry. The top three boat places receive 50% 30% 20% respectively of amount of the weekly contribution. Weekly Big Fish disbursement will be 100% to the boat with the longest fish. Year End Team of the Year award will be determined on a future date.
- If yearly assistance is collected, 25% will be used to cover any permit or tournament fee costs. This will be determined at a future date.